Emma & Martin Duffy Pro Underwater Videographer Showreel Dec 2017
During the build up to Christmas 2017, Simon & The Fisheye Team had the pleasure of having Emma & Martin Duffy come and complete their Pro Underwater Videographer Course.
A fantastic couple who really showed a passion for the underwater world. Over the two week course their skills showed massive improvement and we have no doubts that they will keep on improving with more filming.
As you can see (on the right) it was great fun to have them in the office.
Lots of highlights were captured including Turtles, Barracuda, Lion fish, Cuttlefish and some pretty impressive macro work with Nudibranch, Boxer Shrimp and Scorpionfish!
A great time had by all and we hope to see you again Emma & Martin!
Please watch their Showreels below!
(Remember to change the youtube settings to high quality video – thanks!)